What you need to know about airbrush tanning

No matter the season you can always have that fine looking Tan skin. The technology of airbrushing tanning has been around a few years and is quite popular amongst celebrities. Airbrushing is offered by many beauty salons. Here are a few things you need to understand.

Make sure to exfoliate your skin one day before your scheduled tanning. There are many beauty products that will help you exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating helps scrub any dead skin off her body. Remember to always moisturize your skin right after the scrub to prevent any rashes or irritation that may happen afterwards.

After the procedure of airbrush tanning, make sure to talk to your specialists about your everyday product that you use that could cause more harm after the fact. Another concern is your product may interfere with the airbrush solution and may cause some discolouration.

More Tips

Another tip is to make sure to avoid the sun or direct sunlight during the first day as the airbrush product is still in the process of penetrating the skin. Also avoid going to the beach and taking long showers during the first day. It is Deftly not recommended to go to any pool because the chlorine will cause issues to your airbrush tan.

A major issue with this type of tanning is the ingredient DHA which is okay for the skin but if inhaled can cause major health issues especially to your lungs. The specialist or attendant should provide you with a mask during the spraying.

The safety of airbrushing is safe but make sure during the procedure and after to protect your eyes. If you going for this procedure make sure the clinic is recommended by your physician or dermatologist.